Test Rigs & Infrastructure

Thermodynamic test bench design and build, concept development, safety engineering and control systems, explosion prevention and regulatory compliance

With our comprehensive knowledge and experience, CERASUS is the ideal partner for the development and construction of all manner of benches, standalone modules, and complete facilities with associated infrastructure for testing fuel cells, combustion equipment, turbochargers, pressure vessels and valves, and a broad range of other thermodynamic and mechanical systems.


CERASUS ist fähig Gesamtkonzepte zu entwickeln, Genehmigungsunterlagen sowie Bau-Unterlagen für Gasversorgungen zu planen und ihren kompletten Prüfstand und Anlagen zu konstruieren. Durch unsere Expertise in Sicherheits- und Steuerungstechnik sind wir auch in der Lage mit Ihnen die Sicherheitstechnik, Regelungstechnik sowie die Themen rund um den Brand- und Explosionsschutz für Ihre Testinfrastruktur zu planen und umzusetzen.


CERASUS is fully capable of developing entire test bench concepts, including preparing acceptance and build documentation for gas supply lines as well as designing, procuring, and installing complete test stations with associated infrastructure for you. With our expertise in safety and controls engineering, we can plan and implement flexible test systems and infrastructure featuring compliant flow regulation and shutoff systems that meet all the necessary fire and explosion safety requirements.


Our dynamic CERASUS team of qualified specialists have a vast wealth of project experience in the build of test rigs, test benches and the associated infrastructure at their disposal to meet your needs. Through our know-how and our unique support network, we can offer you everything you need, from concept to commissioning of test stations meeting CE and SVGW/DGRL requirements.


CERASUS offers:


  • Complete concept creation development for thermodynamic and mechanical test benches and infrastructure
  • Engineering, technical design, Assembly, commissioning and overall project management for thermodynamic plants, test rigs, supply, exhaust and control systems
  • Comprehensive and professional risk assessment according to ISO 12100 and associated industry standards
  • Support and guidance throughout the regulatory review and acceptance processes, including the drafting of required submissions
  • Concept design and documentation for fire and explosion protection for all infrastructure
  • Development and implementation of safety, control and flow regulation systems for fluid supply and exhaust lines to meet required testing capabilities and safety requirements
  • CE-compliant systems that meet SVGW/DGRL requirements with notified bodies
Factsheet Testinfrastrukturen
CERASUS - Ihr Partner bei der Entwicklung von Testinfrastrukturen mit Wasserstoff und anderen Gasen
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